Hex Ed. Articles

Learn more about the amazing hex beam antenna in these Hex Education articles.

  1. How do I trouble shoot my hexbeam?
  2. What’s so hot about the hexbeam?
  3. What about 40 meters on a hexbeam?
  4. Why is a hexbeam superior to the dipole?
  5. Which is better; the Spiderbeam or a hexbeam?
  6. Why is a hexbeam better than a vertical?
  7. How does a hexbeam work?
  8. What is the history of the hexbeam?
  9. Should I paint my hexbeam?
  10. What is a good mast for my hexbeam?
  11. What kind of feedline cable do I need?
  12. What’s a thrust bearing and how is it used with a hexbeam?
  13. Is SWR really all that important?
  14. Will my hexbeam interact with other antennas?
  15. Which Hexbeam works best?
  16. What is the direction of my hexbeam?
  17. Does rain on my hex mess it up?


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